Professional Settlement Services
0ver 30 years' experience protecting buyers with
title insurance, deed preparation and recording.
What is title insurance?
Your Home Is Yours. Title Insurance Helps Keep It That Way.
Would you ever think you could lose your home because another person legally has a right to it? That thought might never cross your mind, but perhaps it should.
There are many problems that could affect your title, including: tax liens, forged signatures in the chain of title, recording errors, title search errors and claims by missing heirs and/or an ex-spouse. In a nutshell, Title Insurance protects from future loss if a covered claim against your property is made.
two types of title insurance
Protects you and provides assurance that your title company will stand behind you, if a covered title problem arises after you buy a home.
lender's policy
Protects the lender for the amount of the loan. If you only have a Lender's Policy, you are not protected if a problem materializes with your title.
Northwest abstract co.
8039 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19118
215. 233. 0888
fax: 215. 487. 1170